The Benefits of Yoga in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy - Featured in The Telegraph

“Yoga in pregnancy strengthens parts of the body that you use to give birth as well as relieving common aches and pains” says Libby Stevenson, a MY:METHOD yoga teacher with a pre-natal specialism. She recommends Warrior I, II and malasana to open the hips, mountain pose to maintain proper posture and cat/cow or child’s pose to help relieve lower back pain. Pregnant women should avoid inversions including downward facing dog, she says.

In addition, Stevenson says that yogic breathing and meditation can help women. “For many pregnant women, pregnancy can be a time of confusion and anxiety. The breathing practices in pregnancy yoga slow down and extend the exhalation which switches off the autonomic nervous system - the fight flight freeze response - and switch on the parasympathetic nervous system - the rest and digest response.”

“These breathing techniques can be used while giving birth to reduce pain or at any time when you feel overwhelmed or stressed.”


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